Are Insurance Proceeds for Property Damage Taxable?
Many property owners don’t understand the tax implications of the compensation they receive from a claim. Learn when insurance proceeds for property damage are taxable in this article.
General Liability Insurance: Everything You Should Know
The commercial general liability (CGL) insurance policy is one of the most common business insurance policies in America. This broad coverage insures businesses against most third-party property damage or bodily injury claims. Although there are a variety of commercial general liability coverage forms, the most common is the “CG0001 - Commercial General Liability Coverage Form.” Today we will review this form and explain how most insurance policies are put together.
A Guide To Apartment Building Insurance
The point is that having a group of people living in your building poses a legal liability risk and a significant risk to the building itself. Here is what you need to know about the insurance policies that apartment building owners need.
Woodworker Business Insurance - Choosing The Right Policies
Having the right coverage is crucial for safeguarding woodworkers from the risks of the job. This cheat sheet on woodworker business insurance explains the policies you need and why.
Commercial Property Insurance: The Ultimate Guide
Businesses of all sizes and industries purchase commercial property insurance to cover their building and building contents. Here is everything you need to know about the coverage property insurance policy and our recommendations on how to get the best coverage for your business.
Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance: An Overview
D&O insurance provides a great set of coverage that most organizations could greatly benefit from. Similar to how you purchase general liability insurance to protect your organization from liabilities, D&O insurance is protects the owners, executives, and leaders from the liabilities of running a business.
Contractor Umbrella Insurance - What To Know
Construction and risk go hand in hand. Contractors are often required to lift heavy objects, operate large equipment, and work with high-voltage electricity to help build our homes, buildings, and infrastructures. There is no way to completely avoid these risks. You can protect yourself, though, and minimize the damage an accident can cause to both people and the company’s balance sheet. The best way to do this is to purchase a contractor umbrella insurance policy.
A Guide To Contractor Insurance in 2024
In construction, no two contractors have the same insurance policy. It is essential that you know the basics of what you have and what you might need in the future.
Commercial Building Insurance In Arkansas: What Are My Options?
Commercial building insurance provides financial security for Arkansas business owners. Learn why Arkansas is unique and what business insurance coverage you’ll need.
Commercial Hurricane Insurance: What To Know
This comprehensive guide helps businesses understand the risks and coverage options for commercial hurricane insurance.